The idea, "Bridging the Gaps", means to focus on the dialogue between scientists, musicians, instrument makers and conservators. Scientists will be encouraged to present their papers in a generally understandable way, and instrument makers and musicians will be able to communicate their observations, hypotheses and problems to an interested scientific audience. This way, research might be directed towards new questions, while manufacturers, musicians, instrument conservators and collectors will have the opportunity to find answers and get access to new methods and tools.
The two-day symposium on music acoustics started on Sunday, September 19th with a a keynote address, the poster craze and the welcome party at the campus of our university. The topical sessions were scheduled for Monday, September 20th and Tuesday, September 21st from 8:30 until 18:30, including the oral and poster presenations, the keynote addresses and the coffee and lunch breaks.
The Proceedings of the Second Vienna Talk on Music Acoustics are now online. Please follow this link or click on the title page.